Engineering Methodology - Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for competitive exams

1.    Who made the following classic statement.
"When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it, and when you can't express it in numbers, your knowledge, is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind. It may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thought advanced to the stage of science."
(a)     Arnold Young
(b)     Taylorson
(c)     Johanson   
(d)     Lord Kelvin
(e)     Taylor.

2.    The ease with which observations can be made accurately is referred to as
(a)     readability     
(b)     sensitivity
(c)     accuracy   
(d)     precision
(e)     repeatability.

3.    Accuracy of measuring equipment is
(a)    the closeness with which a measure-ment can be read directly from a measuring instrument.
(b)    a measure of how close the reading is to the true size.
(c)    the difference between measured value and actual value
(d)    the smallest change in measurand that can be measured
(e)    the capability to indicate the same reading again and again for a given measurand.

4.    Which of the following error's are generally distributed in accordance "with the Gaussian distribution
(a)    controllable errors
(b)    calibration errors
(c)    avoidable errors
(d)    random errors
(e)    error due to ambient conditions.

6.    Tolerances are specified
(a)    to obtain desired fits
(b)    because it is not possible to manufac¬ture a size exactly
(c)    to obtain high accuracy
(d)    to have proper allowance
(e)    to have proper inspection.

7.    Which of the following is the most important characteristic of a measuring instrument in general
(a)     precision   
(b)     accuracy
(c)     repeatability   
(d)     sensitivity
(e)     readability.

8.    Sensitivity and range of measuring instrument have
(a)    direct relationship
(b)    linear relationship
(c)    inverse relationship
(d)    unpredictable relationship
(e)    no relationship.

9.    Systematic errors are
(a)    randomly distributed
(b)    regularly repetitive in nature
(c)    distributed on both + ve and - ve sides of mean value
(d)     unknown errors
(e)     of unpredictable nature.

10.    Precision of measuring equipment is
(a)     the closeness with which a measure¬ment can be read directly from a measuring instrument
(b)     a measure of how close the reading is to the true size
(c)    the difference between measured value and actual value
(d)    the smallest change in measurand that can be measured
(e)    the capability to indicate the same reading again and again for a given measurand.

11.    The maximum amount by which the result differs from the true value is called
(a)     correction      
(b)     discrepancy
(c)     error   
(d)     accuracy
(e)     uncertainty.

12.    Response is defined as the measure of a system's fidelity to purpose. The response of measuring instruments may be considered to the following cases
(a)    amplitude response
(b)    frequency response
(c)    phase response
(d)    delay or rise time
(e)    all of the above.

13.    Which of the following can be used to scribe lines parallel to the edges of a part
(a)    vernier calipers
(b)    screw gauge
(c)    divider
(d)    hermaphrodite caliper
(e)    combination set.

14. Which of the following can't fall under the head — controllable errors
(a)     calibration errors
(b)    environmental errors
(c)    avoidable errors
(d)    random errors
(e)    non-similarity of conditions while calibrating and measuring.

15.    Which of the following errors are regularly repetitive in nature
(a)    systematic errors
(b)    random errors
(c)    illegitimate errors
(d)    controllable errors
(e)    avoidable errors.

16.    Which of the following errors are inevitable in the measuring system and it would be vainflul exercise to avoid them
(a)    systematic errors
(b)    random errors
(c)    calibration errors
(d)    environmental errors
(e)    deformation errors.

18.    Which of the following instruments is most accurate
(a)    vertical caliper
(b)    manometric screw gauge
(c)    optical projector
(d)    mechanical comparator
(e)    slip gauges.

19.    Which of the following refers to parasitic error.
(a)     Error, often gross, which results from incorrect execution of measurement
(b)    algebraic difference between the results of measurement and the value of comparison
(c)    error which varies in an unpredictable manner in absolute value and in sign when a large number of measurements of the same value of a quantity are made under practically identical con-ditions.
(d)    disagreement between the result of measurement and the value of the quantity measured
(e)    error which during several measure-ments, under the same conditions of the same value of a certain quantity, remains constant in absolute value and sign or varies in accordance with a specified law when the conditions change.

20.    Which of the following characterises the dispersion of the results obtained in a & ries of measurements of the same value of a quantity measured
(a)    absolute error
(b)     relative error
(c)    root mean square deviation
(d)    uncertainty of measurement
(e)    variation of indication.

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Engineering Methodology MCQs Part1
Engineering Methodology MCQs Part2
Engineering Methodology MCQs Part3
Engineering Methodology MCQs Part4
Engineering Methodology MCQs Part5
Engineering Methodology MCQs Part6
Engineering Methodology MCQs Part7
Engineering Methodology MCQs Part8
Engineering Methodology MCQs Part9



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