Electric Traction Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Preparation for Competition exams pdf

1.    Which of the following is an advantage of electric traction over other methods of traction ?
(a)    Faster acceleration
(b)    No pollution problems   
(c)    Better braking action
(d)    All of the above
Ans: a

2.    Which of the following is the voltage for single phase A.C. system ?
(a)    22 V   
(b)    440 V
(c)    5 kV   
(d)    15 kV
(e)    None of the above
Ans: a

3.    Long distance railways use which of the    following ?
(a)    200 V D.C.
(b)    25 kV single phase A.C.    10.
(c)    25 kV two phase A.C.
(d)    25 kV three phase A.C.
Ans: b

4.    The speed of a locomotive is controlled by
(a)     flywheel   
(b)     gear box
(c)    applying brakes    11.
(d)    regulating steam flow to engine
Ans: b

5.    Main traction systems used in India are, those using
(a)    electric locomotives
(b)    diesel engine locomotives
(c)    steam engine locomotives
(d)    diesel electric locomotives
(e)    all of the above
 Ans: e

6, in India diesel locomotives are manu¬factured at
(a) Ajmer   
(b) Varanasi
(c) Bangalore   
(d) Jamalpur
Ans: b

7. For diesel locomotives the range of horsepower is
(a) 50 to 200   
(b) 500 to 1000
(c) 1500 to 2500     
(d) 3000 to 5000
Ans: c

8. _______ locomotive has the highest operational availability.
(a)    Electric   
(b)    Diesel
(c)    Steam
Ans: a

9. The horsepower of steam locomotives is
(a)      upto 1500   
(b)     1500 to 2000
(c)      2000 to 3000     
(d)     3000 to 4000
Ans: a

10. The overall efficiency of steam locomo¬tive is around
(a)    5 to 10 percent
(b)    15 to 20 percent
(c)    25 to 35 percent
(d)    35 to 45 percent
Ans: a

Read More Questions:
Electric Traction MCQs part1
Electric Traction MCQs part2
Electric Traction MCQs part3
Electric Traction MCQs part4
Electric Traction MCQs part5
Electric Traction MCQs part6
Electric Traction MCQs part7
Electric Traction MCQs part8


  1. bimal * 31 Aug 201330 August 2013 at 22:55

    Good Question .........

  2. bimal 10.Dec 20139 December 2013 at 20:22

    Few questions creating confusion but still good ........................

  3. nice one ....*
