Machine Design Objective type Questions and answers

11.    .Other method of reducing shock load in the above case can be
(a)    to decrease length
(b)    to increase length
(c)    unaffected by length
(d)    other factors would decide same
(e)    none of the above.
Ans: b

12.    If a load W is applied instantaneously on a bar; then the stress induced in bar will
(a)    be independent of ratio of mass of load W to mass of bar (y)
(b)    increase with increase in y
(c)    decrease with decrease in y
(d)    depend on other considerations
(e)    none of the above.
Ans: a

13.    Brittle coating technique is used for
(a)    determining brittleness
(b)    protecting metal against corrosion
(c)    protecting metal against wear and tear
(d)    experimental stress analysis
(e)     non-destructive testing of metals.
Ans: d

14.    Stress concentration is caused due to
(a)     variation in properties of material from point to point in a member
(b)     pitting at points or areas at which loads on a member are applied
(c)    abrupt change of section
(d)    all of the above
(e)    none of the above.
Ans: d

15.    The endurance limit of a material with finished surface in comparison to rough surface is
(a)    more
(b)    less
(c)    same
(d)    more or less depending on quantum of load
(e)    unpredictable.
Ans: a

16.    Plastic flow in ductile materials
(a)    increases the seriousness of static loading stress concentration
(b)    lessens the seriousness of static loading stress concentration
(c)    has no effect on it
(d)    depends on other considerations
(e)    none of the above.
Ans: b

17.    The maximum stress due to stress concentration in a bar having circular transverse hole, as compared to its static stress without hole will be
(a)    same in both cases
(b)    2 times more
(c)    3 times more
(d)    4 times more
(e)    unpredictable.
Ans: c

18.    The fatigue life of a part can be improved by
(a) electroplating
(b) polishing
(c) coating 
(d) shot peening
(e) heat treating.
Ans: d

19.    Stress concentration in static loading is more serious in
(a)    ductile materials
(b)    brittle materials
(c)    equally serious in both cases
(d)    depends on other factors
(e)    unpredictable.
Ans: b

20.    Stress concentration in cyclic loading is more serious in
(a)    ductile materials
(b)    brittle materials
(c)    equally serious in both cases
(d)    depends on other factors
(e)    unpredictable.
Ans: a

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Machine Design - Mechanical Engineering MCQs Part12
Machine Design - Mechanical Engineering MCQs Part13

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