71. The order of the sub-harmonic during SSR for 50 Hz nornal frequency is
(a) 25 Hz
(b) 16 2/3 Hz
(c) 10 HZ
(d) none of the above
Ans: d
72. The non-uniform distribution of voltage across the units in a string of suspention type insulators is due to
(a) unequal self-capacitance of the units
(b) non-uniform distance of separation of the units from the tower body
(c) the existence of stray capacitance between the metallic junctions of the units and the tower body
(d) non-uniform distance between the cross-arm and the units
Ans: c
73. Whenever the conductors are dead-ended of there is a change in the direction of transmission line, the insulator. used are of the
(a) pin type
(b) suspension type
(c) strain type
(d) shackle type
Ans: c
74. The time taken for a surge to travel a 600 km long overhead transmission line is
(a) 6s
(b) 1s
(c) 0.02s
(d) 0.002s
Ans: d
75. The function of the earth wire in an extra high voltage line is to
(a) prevent earth fault
(b) provide a safety measure for any high-flying object
(c) provide a shield to the phase con-ductors from direct lightning stroke
(d) provide mechanical strength to the towers
Ans: c
76. A long overhead transmission line is terminated by its characteristic impedance. Under this operating condition, the ratio of the voltage to the current at different points along the line will
(a) progressively increase from the sending-end to the receiving end
(b) progresively increase from the receiving end to the sending-end
(c) remain the same at the two ends, but be higher between the two ends being maximumat the centre of the line
(d) remain the same at all points
Ans: b
77. For a transmission line with negligible losses, the lagging reactive power (VAR) delivered at Ihe receiving end, for a given receiving end voltage, is directly proportional to the
(a) square of the line voltage drop
(b) line voltage drop
(c) line inductive reactance
(d) line capacitive reactance
Ans: b
78. Corona loss can be reduced by the use of hollow conductors because
(a) the current density is reduced
(b) the eddy current in the conductor is eliminated
(c) for a given cross-section, the radius of the conductor is increased
(d) of better ventilation in the conductor
Ans: d
79. The insulation of modern EHV lines is designed based on
(a) the lightning voltage
(b) corona
(c) radio interface
(d) switching voltage
Ans: d
80. Shunt conapenBation in an EHV line is "Bed
(a) improve stability
(b) reduce fault level
(c) improve the voltage profile
(d) subsitute for synchronous phase modifier
Ans: d
Read More Questions:
Power Systems MCQs Part1
Power Systems MCQs Part2
(a) 25 Hz
(b) 16 2/3 Hz
(c) 10 HZ
(d) none of the above
Ans: d
72. The non-uniform distribution of voltage across the units in a string of suspention type insulators is due to
(a) unequal self-capacitance of the units
(b) non-uniform distance of separation of the units from the tower body
(c) the existence of stray capacitance between the metallic junctions of the units and the tower body
(d) non-uniform distance between the cross-arm and the units
Ans: c
73. Whenever the conductors are dead-ended of there is a change in the direction of transmission line, the insulator. used are of the
(a) pin type
(b) suspension type
(c) strain type
(d) shackle type
Ans: c
74. The time taken for a surge to travel a 600 km long overhead transmission line is
(a) 6s
(b) 1s
(c) 0.02s
(d) 0.002s
Ans: d
75. The function of the earth wire in an extra high voltage line is to
(a) prevent earth fault
(b) provide a safety measure for any high-flying object
(c) provide a shield to the phase con-ductors from direct lightning stroke
(d) provide mechanical strength to the towers
Ans: c
76. A long overhead transmission line is terminated by its characteristic impedance. Under this operating condition, the ratio of the voltage to the current at different points along the line will
(a) progressively increase from the sending-end to the receiving end
(b) progresively increase from the receiving end to the sending-end
(c) remain the same at the two ends, but be higher between the two ends being maximumat the centre of the line
(d) remain the same at all points
Ans: b
77. For a transmission line with negligible losses, the lagging reactive power (VAR) delivered at Ihe receiving end, for a given receiving end voltage, is directly proportional to the
(a) square of the line voltage drop
(b) line voltage drop
(c) line inductive reactance
(d) line capacitive reactance
Ans: b
78. Corona loss can be reduced by the use of hollow conductors because
(a) the current density is reduced
(b) the eddy current in the conductor is eliminated
(c) for a given cross-section, the radius of the conductor is increased
(d) of better ventilation in the conductor
Ans: d
79. The insulation of modern EHV lines is designed based on
(a) the lightning voltage
(b) corona
(c) radio interface
(d) switching voltage
Ans: d
80. Shunt conapenBation in an EHV line is "Bed
(a) improve stability
(b) reduce fault level
(c) improve the voltage profile
(d) subsitute for synchronous phase modifier
Ans: d
Read More Questions:
Power Systems MCQs Part1
Power Systems MCQs Part2
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