Most recently Database Management System Objective type Questions and Answers

41. What are the two means to describe the content of XML documents?
DTD (Document Type Declarations) and XML Schemas. An XML document that conforms to its DTD is called type-valid. A document can be well-formed and not be type-valid, either because it violates the structure of its DTD or because it has no DTD. However, DTD5 have limitations and to overcome these limits XML Schemas were created. XML Schemas are XML documents that are the preferred method for defining document structure.

42. What is the difference between simple elements and complexType elements?
Simple elements have only one data value. ComplexType elements can have multiple elements nested within them. ComplexTypes may also have attributes. The elements contained in a complexType may be simple or other complexTypes. ComplexTypes may also define element sequences.

43. What is a dataset?
A dataset is an in-memory database that is disconnected from any regular database, but has all the important characteristics of a regular database. Datasets can have multiple tables, relationships, referential integrity rules, referential integrity actions, views and the equivalent of triggers. Datasets are needed to provide a standardized, non-proprietary means to process database views. They are especially important for the processing of views with multiple multivalued paths.

44. What is Relationship set?
The collection (or set) of similar relationships.

45. What is Relationship type?
Relationship type defines a set of associations or a relationship set among a given set of entity types.

46. What is DDL (Data Definition Language)?
A data base schema is specifies by a set of definitions expressed by a special language called DDL.

47. What is VDL (View Definition Language)?
It specifies user views and their mappings to the conceptual schema.

48. What is SDL (Storage Definition Language)?
This language is to specify the internal schema. This language may specify the mapping between two schemas.

49. What is Data Storage - Definition Language?
The storage structures and access methods used by database system are specified by a set of definition in a special type of DDL called data storage-definition language.

50. What is DML (Data Manipulation Language)?
This language that enable user to access or manipulate data as organised by appropriate data model.
1. Procedural DML or Low level: DML requires a user to specify what data are needed and how to get those data.
2. Non-Procedural DML or High level: DML requires a user to specify what data are needed without specifying how to get those data.

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