What are the best examples of working smart versus working hard?

 Difference between hard work and smart work:

Jebin said:

Smart Work Meaning Doing Your Work Efficiently. Efficiently Means using Less Resources that includes "Time, Physical work, Mental Work, resources (money, things etc)".

Any thing that consumes less of these are Smart Work.

Ex: Cutting a tree with a Blunt Axe - The TIME taken is More. The Physical Work is More.

Cutting a tree with a sharpened Axe - Saves TIME. Less Physical Work. That is smart work.

All are related to each other.

Ramu Said:

Hard work is to start the given task immediately and analyzing it as the work goes on.

Smart work is to analyse the task and its requirements first and then start to work upon it. Which leads to completion of the task in less span of time.

Experience with hard work eventually leads to one's smart work.

Shameem Akhtar said:  

"More effort less output"-----Hard work (effort not in right direction).

"Less effort more output"-----Smart work (effort in right direction).

Yogesh Kumar Sharma said: 

Smart work is perfection whereas hard work is dedication.

Smart work can be done with efficient and effectiveness manner whereas hard work can be done with only effectiveness manner. Without hard work we cannot do the smart work.

Smart work give skills and knowledge whereas hard work gives experience.

Hard work requires person whereas smart work require person ability.

Hard work means physical effort whereas smart work means mental effort in case of earn money.

Hard work can be done with mind and heart whereas smart work can be done with mind. Hard work is learning a subject thoroughly and where as smart work is knowing where to use the knowledge which has been read.

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