71. If an inductance is connected in one arm of bridge and resistances in the remaining three arms
(a) the bridge can always be balanced
(b) the bridge cannot be balanced
(c) the bridge can be balanced if the resistances have some specific values
Ans: b
72. A power factor meter has
(a) one current circuit and two pres¬sure circuits
(b) one current circuit and one pressure circuit
(c) two current circuits and one pres¬sure circuit
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
73. The two pressure coils of a single phase power factor meter have
(a) the same dimensions and the same number of turns
(b) the same dimension but different number of turns
(c) the same number of turns but different dimensions
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
74. In a single phase power factor meter the phase difference between the currents in the two pressure coils is
(a) exactly 0°
(b) approximately 0°
(c) exactly 90°
(d) approximately 90°
Ans: c
75. In a dynamometer 3-phase power factor meter, the planes of the two moving coils are at
(a) 0°
(b) 60°
(c) 90°
(d) 120°
Ans: d
76. In a vibrating reed frequency meter the natural frequencies of two adjacent reeds have a difference of
(a) 0.1 Hz
(b) 0.25 Hz
(c) 0.5 Hz
(d) 1.5 Hz
Ans: c
77. In a Weston frequency meter, the magnetic axes of the two fixed coils are
(a) parallel
(b) perpendicular
(c) inclined at 60°
(d) inclined at 120°
Ans: b
78. A Weston frequency meter is
(a) moving coil instrument
(b) moving iron instrument
(c) dynamometer instrument
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
79. A Weston synchronoscope is a
(a) moving coil instrument
(b) moving iron instrument
(c) dynamometer instrument
(d) none of the above
Ans: c
80. In a Weston synchronoscope, the fixed coils are connected across
(a) bus-bars
(b) incoming alternator
(c) a lamp
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
Read More Questions:
Measurement and Instrumentation MCQs Part1
Measurement and Instrumentation MCQs Part2
(a) the bridge can always be balanced
(b) the bridge cannot be balanced
(c) the bridge can be balanced if the resistances have some specific values
Ans: b
72. A power factor meter has
(a) one current circuit and two pres¬sure circuits
(b) one current circuit and one pressure circuit
(c) two current circuits and one pres¬sure circuit
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
73. The two pressure coils of a single phase power factor meter have
(a) the same dimensions and the same number of turns
(b) the same dimension but different number of turns
(c) the same number of turns but different dimensions
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
74. In a single phase power factor meter the phase difference between the currents in the two pressure coils is
(a) exactly 0°
(b) approximately 0°
(c) exactly 90°
(d) approximately 90°
Ans: c
75. In a dynamometer 3-phase power factor meter, the planes of the two moving coils are at
(a) 0°
(b) 60°
(c) 90°
(d) 120°
Ans: d
76. In a vibrating reed frequency meter the natural frequencies of two adjacent reeds have a difference of
(a) 0.1 Hz
(b) 0.25 Hz
(c) 0.5 Hz
(d) 1.5 Hz
Ans: c
77. In a Weston frequency meter, the magnetic axes of the two fixed coils are
(a) parallel
(b) perpendicular
(c) inclined at 60°
(d) inclined at 120°
Ans: b
78. A Weston frequency meter is
(a) moving coil instrument
(b) moving iron instrument
(c) dynamometer instrument
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
79. A Weston synchronoscope is a
(a) moving coil instrument
(b) moving iron instrument
(c) dynamometer instrument
(d) none of the above
Ans: c
80. In a Weston synchronoscope, the fixed coils are connected across
(a) bus-bars
(b) incoming alternator
(c) a lamp
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
Read More Questions:
Measurement and Instrumentation MCQs Part1
Measurement and Instrumentation MCQs Part2
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