141. The disadvantage of product layout is
(a) high initial investment for the specialized facilities
(b) skilled labour to operate machines
(c) production time is longer, requiring more goods in inventory
(d) high cost of inspection
(e) costly and complex production control.
Ans: a
142. Emergency rush order can be pushed more effectively in
(a) job production
(b) automatic production
(c) continuous production
(d) intermittent production
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d
143. Routing assists engineers in deciding in advance
(a) the flow of material in the plant
(b) the methods of proper utilization of manpower
(c) the methods of proper utilization of machines
(d) the layout of factory facilities
(e) normal route of workers through the plant.
Ans: c
144. The performance of a specific task in CPM is known as
(a) dummy
(b) event
(c) activity
(d) contract
(e) none of the above.
Ans: c
145. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following
(a) an activity of the project is denoted by an harrow on the net work
(b) the tail of the arrow indicates the start of the activity
(c) the head of the arrow indicates the end of the activity
(d) the arrows are drawn (to scale from; left to right)(a) high initial investment for the specialized facilities
(b) skilled labour to operate machines
(c) production time is longer, requiring more goods in inventory
(d) high cost of inspection
(e) costly and complex production control.
Ans: a
142. Emergency rush order can be pushed more effectively in
(a) job production
(b) automatic production
(c) continuous production
(d) intermittent production
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d
143. Routing assists engineers in deciding in advance
(a) the flow of material in the plant
(b) the methods of proper utilization of manpower
(c) the methods of proper utilization of machines
(d) the layout of factory facilities
(e) normal route of workers through the plant.
Ans: c
144. The performance of a specific task in CPM is known as
(a) dummy
(b) event
(c) activity
(d) contract
(e) none of the above.
Ans: c
145. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following
(a) an activity of the project is denoted by an harrow on the net work
(b) the tail of the arrow indicates the start of the activity
(c) the head of the arrow indicates the end of the activity
(e) each activity consumes a given time.-
Ans: d
146. The artificial activity; which indicates that an activity following it cannot be started unless, the preceding activity is complete, is known as
(a) event
(b) free float
(c) artificial
(d) constraint
(e) dummy.
Ans: e
147. A dummy activity
(a) is artificially introduced
(b) is represented by a dotted line
(c) does not require any time
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d
148. If E is the duration, ES and EF are die earliest start and finish times, LS and LF are latest start and finish times, then the following relation holds good
(a) EF=ES+D
(b) LS=LF-D
(c) LF = LS + D
(d) D = EF-ES
(e) all of the above.
Ans: e
149. The difference between the time available to do the job and the time required to do the job, is known as
(a) event
(b) float
(c) duration
(d) constraint
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b
150. The probability distribution of activity times in PERT follows following distribution
(a) normal
(b) binomial
(c) beta
(d) exponential
(e) Gaussian.
Ans: c
151. The probability distribution of project completion in PERT follows following distribution
(a) normal
(b) binominal
(c) beta
(d) exponential
(e) Gaussian.
Ans: e
152. If TL is the largest allowable event occurrence time, total activity slack (s) is equal to
(a) latest start time - earliest start time
(b) latest finish time - earliest finish time (EFT)
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d
153. The critical activity has
(a) maximum float
(p) minimum float
(c) zero float,
(d) average float
(e) none of these.
Ans: c
154. The time by which the activity completion time can be delayed without affecting the start of succeeding activities, is Known as
(a) duration
(b) total float
(c) free float
(d) interfering float
(e) none of the above.
Ans: c
155. The critical path of a network represents
(a) the minimum time required for completion of project
(b) the maximum time required for completion of project
(c) maximum cost required for completion of project
(d) minimum cost required for completion of project
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a
156. Pick up the correct statement from the following
(a) the float may be positive, zero or negative
(b) if the float is positive and the activity is delayed by a period equal to its total float, the completion of project in not delayed
(c) if the float of an activity is negative, delay in its performance is bound to delay the completion of project
(d) if the float of an activity is zero, the activity is critical and any delay in its performance will delay the whole project
(e) all of the above.
Ans: e
157. Critical path moves along the activities having total float of
(a) positive value
(b) negative value
(c) zero value
(d) same value
(e) none of the above.
Ans: c
158. Critical Path Net Work helps an engineer
(a) to concentrate his attention on critical activities
(b) to divert the resources from non-critical advanced activities to critical activities
(c) to be cautious for avoiding any delay in the critical activities to avoid delay of the whole project
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d
159. Pick up the correct statement about relationship between various floats
(a) free float = total float
(b) independent float = total float
(c) independent float > free float
(d) free float > total float
(e) independent float < free float.
Ans: e
160. The time which results in the least possible direct cost of an activity is known as
(a) normal time
(b) slow time
(c) crash time
(d) standard time
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b
Read More Questions:
Production Technology - Mechanical Engineering MCQs Part1
Production Technology - Mechanical Engineering MCQs Part2
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